Philips Hue service status

All Philips Hue services are up and running

Enjoy your lights!

Partial outage

This is a test message, all services are up and running.

Major outage

Philips Hue or one of its partners is currently experiencing a major outage. You may not be able to <insert text>. We're working on resolving this issue as fast as possible!

Frequently asked questions

What kind of information will I find here in case there is a service outage?
What is the difference between a partial or major outage?
What do I do if I’m experiencing issues, but this page says that all services up and running?
How long does it take for partial or major outages to be resolved?
How will I know when an outage is resolved?

Can not find the answer?

We are ready to help you!

Hardware & connectivity

Get help with hardware, such as bulbs or the Hue Bridge, or troubleshoot connectivity issues.

Apps & software

Find information on the Hue app, Hue Bluetooth app, or Hue Sync mobile and desktop apps.